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Thursday, February 22, 2024
Mouw’s Musings - The President’s Blog

Mouw’s Musings - The President’s Blog

Richard J. Mouw has a personal blog. Richard J. Mouw has served as president of Fuller Theological Seminary since 1993, after having served the seminary for four years as provost and senior vice president. A philosopher, scholar, and author, Mouw joined the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary as professor of Christian philosophy and ethics in 1985. Before coming to Fuller he served for 17 years as professor of philosophy at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has also served as a visiting professor at the Free University in Amsterdam.
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Reflecting on the Pope’s Visit

Reflecting on the Pope’s Visit

I have been invited by The New York Times to write for their blog about the Pope’s visit to the United States. You can check these postings out at: http://thepope.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/04/19/on-faith-and-human-rights/ 2 Comments » Dr. Mouw, thanks for your nuanced reflections on Pope Benedict’s visit to the U.S. Once again, you have expressed a type of […]
Singing the Good News: At Fuller Seminary and on “American Idol”

Singing the Good News: At Fuller Seminary and on “American Idol”

Last Wednesday evening (April 9), some 150 people gathered in Fuller Seminary’s Travis Auditorium to sing old-time hymns. Young and old alike...
Traditional or Seeker-Sensitive?

Traditional or Seeker-Sensitive?

The Missouri Synod Lutherans are arguing with each other about “traditional” versus “seeker-sensitive” styles of being church. And the debate has spilled...

Lectures in Korea

We are getting ready to leave for Korea and Japan tomorrow. My main assignment on this trip is to deliver the first...
Seeker-Sensitive Preaching and Karl Barth

Seeker-Sensitive Preaching and Karl Barth

I have been preparing a lecture on “seeker sensitive” preaching, and I decided to try to match wits a bit with Karl...
Spiritual Nurture and the Local Church

Spiritual Nurture and the Local Church

In their Reveal report, the folks at Willow Creek have taken a critical look at their own effectiveness in ministry. It is...
Apologizing to Muslims

Apologizing to Muslims

During this past October, 138 Muslim leaders released a letter that they had sent to Pope Benedict, calling for cooperation between Christians...
Of Chocolates and Sermons

Of Chocolates and Sermons

We’ve been having conversations recently with laypeople—folks who support theological education—about how Fuller Seminary can respond effectively to the needs...
Hymns as “Compacted Theology”

Hymns as “Compacted Theology”

Recently we hosted a celebration at Fuller Seminary of the life and mission of the late David Allan Hubbard, who served as...
Thinking about Tourism

Thinking about Tourism

Sorting through a pile of things on my desk this past weekend, I came across a brief report that I had set...