How To Quit With Nicotine? This answer was killing me before. I made it! Today is 1:53am sitting and realizing that I’m nicotine and tobacco-free. I was smoking an E-Cig with 0 nicotine juice when my friends were present. During weekends and parties. However this need to be changed as well. Now is the time to limit sugar as well and cut weight to perfect BMI which is with 5,8 Feet will be around 165lbs. I was at 170lbs a week ago but now after 1 week of cheat meals and eating tons of sugar I came back to 178lbs. So 13lbs more to go. I will be ready for Christmas!
1-2 week
- HITT Training
- 7,5min warm up, 5 times burpees for 15 sec/45sec rest (14th day made a progress to 10 times)
- 5min slow walk/rest
- 30min increased later to 40min run with a 5miles/per hour with angle 5
- 5 times burpees for 30 sec/30rest (14th day increased to 10 times)
- 1500cals per day going with keto coffee after the training around 2pm, getting some food around 4-6pm trying to hit 6hour window
- Almost whole week I was eating cheat meals and dealing with mental addiction related to cigarettes.
3-4 week
- HITT training part 2 click here to see it.
- 7,5min warm up
- HITT 2nd with 15sec split
- 5min slow walk/rest
- 30min increased later to 40min run with a 5miles/per hour with angle 5
- HITT 2nd with 30sec split
- Gerson Therapy 1st week
- Gerson Therapy 50/50 mixed with KetoDiet in the morning amount of calories 1500cals increased after hitting a perfect BMI.
Many people asks How To Quit With Nicotine